Graduate Commencement Address

haasVincent J. Haas, M.A. ’09, Director and Head of Employee Enablement in the Investment and Banking Solutions Technology Group at Bank of America, was selected to deliver the address at La Salle’s Graduate Commencement ceremony:

“This combination—the mind of a master, the inquisitive heart of a continuous learner, and the commitment to live and work according to our values—represents the true worth of your graduate education. It is priceless, and it is uniquely Lasallian.”

Undergraduate Commencement Address

collinsMadeline Collins, ’15, a double major in English and marketing and member of the women’s lacrosse team, delivered the student address at the Undergraduate Commencement ceremony. She plans to attend St. John’s University School of Law in the fall:

“Our time at La Salle University unifies us all and has taught us not only to be employees, but to continue to be volunteers, students, teachers, entrepreneurs, and believers in faith. We will balance the direction we receive from others with our own well-developed judgement. We will never identify ourselves with one label, one expectation. As Explorers, we have been encouraged to be more, to give more, and to think of others in addition to ourselves.”

By the Numbers

Total Degrees Awarded: 1,587

Certificates Awarded: 37

  • Doctoral: 20
  • Bachelor’s: 931
  • Master’s: 597
  • Associate’s: 39

States Represented: 28, plus Washington, D.C.

Countries Represented: 22

*Statistics include graduates from August/September 2014, January 2015, and May 2015.