Emily Kawski, MSS

Adjunct Professor
Social Work

Emily Kawski, MSS, is a seasoned healthcare executive who has held leadership positions in multiple organizations serving behavioral health consumers and providers. She served in multiple roles at the Livengrin Foundation including the Director of Quality Assurance and the Vice President of Patient Experience. In this capacity, she oversaw strategic quality and compliance initiatives for a large, multisite system which provides residential and outpatient care to people living with substance use throughout southeastern Pennsylvania. While working at FSSolutions, Ms. Kawski worked with providers across the United States to implement high-fidelity monitoring of state-sponsored impaired professional programs. At Friends Hospital, she collaborates closely with the CEO and the other members of the senior leadership team to ensure compliance with state, Joint Commission, CMS, and payer standards while managing the ongoing performance monitoring and improvement activities for all departments. Outside of Friends Hospital, Ms. Kawski serves on the Advisory Board of the Social Work Department at La Salle University, where she is an adjunct professor. She holds a BSW degree from La Salle University, and a Master of Social Service from Bryn Mawr College.