‘Encouraging our students to do the right thing’

February 24, 2021

La Salle student ambassadors are recognizing fellow Explorers for compliance with COVID-19 protocol.

La Salle University student ambassadors this semester are fanning out across campus looking to catch fellow students in the act of compliance with COVID-19 health guidelines.

From 20th and Olney, and the Hansen Quad, to the Student Union and all points in between, students have been observed wearing face masks properly, practicing social distancing, and using hand sanitizer. And student ambassadors are rewarding them for their compliance with $5 coupons to Union Market, the Starbucks in Union, or The Outpost.

“We’ve done the requisite work as a university to create a safe environment for students,” said La Salle’s Assistant Vice President of Campus Life Anna Allen. “We want to reward them for doing their part. It’s not easy wearing a mask for hours on end, or continually washing your hands during the winter when skin is more susceptible to dryness. It’s not easy to avoid the impulse to gather on campus when our students have been separated from their friends and classmates for long periods. But we all have a responsibility to each other to be compliant and to remind our peers to do the same when we see non-compliance. This small gesture is our way of reassuring and encouraging our students to do the right thing.”

Allen’s final point—doing the right thing—will remain a crucial step in maintaining a safe and healthy campus environment throughout the spring semester and beyond. Anyone living, learning, or working on La Salle’s campus is encouraged to wash and sanitize their hands, maintain proper physical distance, monitor their health, and keep those masks up.

This semester, La Salle students never know when a student ambassador will be watching and preparing to offer a reward through the #ExplorersCare initiative for keeping the University community safe.

—Patrick Berkery