Lynn Collins, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychology, Counseling and Family Therapy, Psychology
Wister Hall M-17

Dr. Collins is Professor of Psychology and former Department Chair, Psy.D. Clinical Director, and Undergraduate Program Director. Dr. Collins is a Clinical Psychologist who has worked with a wide variety of clients in inpatient, outpatient, and residential settings. She is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA) through Divisions 12 (Clinical Psychology), 35 (Society for the Psychology of Women), and 52 (International Psychology). Dr. Collins has served on the editorial boards of Psychological Assessment, Psychology of Women Quarterly, Sex Roles, Journal of Genetic Psychology, and Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs. She has also served leadership roles in professional societies. She has served as President of the Baltimore Psychological Association, Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists, International Psychology (APA Division 52) and Society for the Psychology of Women (APA Division 35). She has served on APA’s Committee on International Relations in Psychology and as Council Representative for APA Division 12, Clinical Psychology.

Dr. Collins was recognized by the Society for the Psychology of Women (APA Division 35) for her commitment to global feminist issues. In addition, Dr. Collins received the Christine Ladd-Franklin Award from the Association for Women in Psychology (AWP) for significant and extensive contributions to the Association and to feminist psychology. She was also awarded National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology (NCSPP) Women’s Issues Committee Individual Award in recognition of significant individual contributions to the enhancement of women’s issues in professional psychology training.

Dr. Collins’ research interests include gender influences on psychopathology, transnational  psychology, psychology of women, and women in academe. She is also interested in professional training issues and the use of technology in clinical practice. She welcomes student participation in all phases of the projects listed above (research design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation at professional conferences).

Dr. Collins’s outside interests include contributing to Wikipedia and Wikimedia, digital art, architecture, and live indie and alternative music.

Areas of Expertise
Transnational Psychology
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Gender Influences on Psychopathology
Use of Technology in Clinical Practice

Licensed Psychologist (Maryland, Pennsylvania)
Postdoctoral study in Anxiety Disorders at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
M.A. & Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Ohio State University
B.S., Psychology, Duke University


Psychology 155 General Psychology (in person and online)
Psychology 220 Psychopathology (in person and online)
Psychology 225 Social Psychology (online)
Psychology 265 Stress and Health
Psychology 255 Psychology of Women
Psychology 350 Counseling Theories and Principles
Psychology 405 Emotion (online)
Psychology 444: Independent Undergraduate Research
Psychology 500 Introduction to Counseling and Psychotherapy
Psychology 503 Psychopathology (Online, Main, Athens, and Prague campuses)
Professional Counseling Marriage and Family 503 (Online, Main, Athens, and Prague campuses)
Psychology 610 Cognitive – Behavioral Approaches in Counseling and Psychotherapy
Psychology 702 Process of Change
Psychology 704 Psychopathology I: A Developmental Perspective / Adult Psychopathology
Psychology 707 Psychopathology II: Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
Psychology 714 Human Behavior III: Personality and Individual Differences (in person and online)
Psychology 730 Personality and Behavioral Assessment: Objective Methods
Psychology 740 Cognitive Therapy Applications
Psychology 772 Dissertation Seminar
Psychology 783 Advanced Case Seminar



Collins, L. H., Machizawa, S., & Rice, J. K. (2019). Transnational Psychology of Women Expanding International and Intersectional Approaches. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Books.

Collins, L. H., Dunlap, M., & Chrisler, J. C. (Eds.) (2002). Charting a new course for feminist psychology. New York: Praeger.

Collins, L. H., Chrisler, J. C., & Quina, K. (Eds.) (1998). Career strategies for women in academe: Arming Athena. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Articles and Chapters:

Collins, L. H. (2023). Cultural homogenization. In S. B. Dermer & J. R. Abdulah, J. The Sage Encyclopedia of Multicultural Counseling, Social Justice, and Advocacy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Collins, L. H. (2023). Deconstruction. In S. B. Dermer & J. R. Abdulah, J. The Sage Encyclopedia of Multicultural Counseling, Social Justice, and Advocacy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Collins, L. H. (2023). Dominant Culture. In S. B. Dermer & J. R. Abdulah, J. The Sage Encyclopedia of Multicultural Counseling, Social Justice, and Advocacy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Collins, L. H., Machizawa, S., & Rice, J. K. (2019). Introduction. In L. H. Collins, S. Machizawa, & J. K. Rice (Eds.). Transnational Psychology of Women: Expanding International and Intersectional Approaches. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Collins, L. H., Machizawa, S., & Rice, J. K. (2019). Transnational psychology of women. In L. H. Collins, S. Machizawa, & J. K. Rice (Eds.). Transnational Psychology of Women: Expanding International and Intersectional Approaches. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Collins, L. H. (2019). Transnational Psychological Perspectives on Assessment and Intervention. In L. H. Collins, S. Machizawa, & J. K. Rice (Eds.). Transnational Psychology of Women: Expanding International and Intersectional Approaches. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Collins, L. H., Mootz, J., Marecek, J., et al. (2019). Transnational psychology in the classroom: A pluralistic approach.  In L. H. Collins, S. Machizawa, & J. K. Rice (Eds.). Transnational Psychology of Women Expanding International and Intersectional Approaches. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Collins, L. H. (2019). Teaching transnational psychology: Taking intersectionality across the globe. In Mena & K. Quina (Eds.) Integrating Multiculturalism and Intersectionality Into the Psychology Curriculum: Strategies for Instructors. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Collins, L. (2017). Workplace and Gender: Overview. In K. Nadal (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Borden, K., Collins, L.H., Gennari, M., Kenkel, M.B., Mangione, L., & Sola, G. (2017, July). The concept of “Psyche.” Between Clinical Pedagogy and Clinical Psychology. I problemi della pedagogia.

Black, M., Chitayat, D., Collins, L. H., Enns, C., Espin, O., Flattau, P., et al. (2011). Going international: A practical guide for psychologists and academics going abroad. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Collins, L. H. (2007, December). Practicing safer listserv use: Towards more ethical use of an invaluable resource. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 38(6), 690-698.


Collins, L. H. (2019, August). Transnational Psychology Perspectives on the Physical and Mental Health Consequences of Sexual Harassment. In Eun-Jeong Lee (Chair), Gender-Based Violence Awareness for Psychologists. Symposium presented at the 2019 APA Convention in Chicago, IL.

Collins, L. H. (2018, August). Transnational feminist perspectives on psychological assessment, healing, and empowerment. In S. S. Canetto (Chair) Transnational feminist perspectives on racism, activism, assessment, and healing. Symposium accepted for presentation at the 2018 APA Convention in San Francisco, CA. This session was selected for CE credit, an additional honor.

Collins, L. H. (2018, March). Introduction to transnational feminist psychology. Paper presented as part of symposium entitled, Transnational feminist psychology at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology in Philadelphia, PA.

Collins, L. H. (2018, March). Transnational feminist psychology research. Paper presented as part of symposium entitled An introduction to transnational feminist perspectives: The case of ‘domestic violence’ at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Women in Psychology in Philadelphia, PA.

Collins, L. H. (2017, August). Transnational Research: New Approaches and Paradigms in S. Machizawa & R. Durvasula (Co-chairs) Beyond Intersectionality— Approaches to Transnational Psychology Pedagogy, Scholarship, and Research. Symposium presented at the 2017 APA Convention in Washington, DC.

Collins, L. H., Kurtis, T., & Bloom, J. (2017, August). Transnational Perspectives on Psychological Healing and Empowerment in S. Miles-Cohen & Y. Kibour (Co-chairs) Transnational Psychological Perspective on Healing, Empowerment, and Activism. Symposium presented at the 2017 APA Convention in Washington, DC.

Collins, L. H. (2014, August). Do You Know What Hydraulic Fracturing Is? The Impact of Fracking on Women’s Lives. Presidential Address presented at the American Psychological Association Convention in Washington, DC

Collins, L. H., & Sarlo, G. (2014, August). Estrogen Power. Paper presented as part of the symposium, E. Burke and K. Gopal (2014) Leadership Panel—Focus on Women in Therapy at the American Psychological Association Convention in Washington, DC

Collins, L. H. (2010, March). Publishing in cross-cultural and international journals. Paper presented as part of the symposium, Symposium: Publishing cross-cultural and international work: Why and how? Symposium held at the 81st the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in New York.

Collins, L. H. (2009, August). Online Therapy: International Issues & Implications. Division 52 Presidential address given at the 117th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Toronto, Ontario, CA.

Collins, L. H. (2009, April). Reciprocity across Countries? Things to know about International variations in licensing. In J. E. Fox, Developments in international psychology education & credentialing. Symposium held at the 89th annual convention of Western Psychological Association in Portland, OR.

Collins, L. H. (2009, August). Online Therapy: International Issues & Implications. Division 52 Presidential address given at the 117th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Toronto, Ontario, CA.

Collins, L. H. (2008, August). Doing the legwork: Questions to ask your future country. In L. H. Collins, Preparing for clinical practice in a global environment. Symposium presented at the 116th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Boston, MA.

Tramel, M., Field, E., & Collins, L. H. (2006, August). What they need to know in a nutshell: Educating colleagues, research assistants, and students about online data collection issues. Paper to be presented as part of L. H. Collins (Chair), “Online clinical research: Advantages, challenges, and ethical issues,” symposium presented at the 114th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in New Orleans, LA.

Collins, L. H. (2006, August). Ethical use of email and listservs in Clinical Psychology. Division 12, Section IV Presidential Address given at the 114th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in New Orleans, LA.

Collins, L. H. (2004, July). Teaching the Psychology of Gender: International, Power, and Personal Issues. Invited Address given at the112th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Honolulu, HI.

Professional Memberships

American Psychological Association (Fellow)

Member, General Psychology (Division 1)
Member, Society for Social and Personality Psychology (Division 8)
Fellow, Society of Clinical Psychology (Division 12)
Fellow, Society for Psychology of Women (Division 35)
Fellow, International Psychology (Division 52)

Association for Psychological Science (Fellow)
Association for Women in Psychology
Eastern Psychological Association
International Council of Psychologists
Pennsylvania Psychological Association (Fellow)
Psi Chi Psychology Honor Society