Michael J. DiPietro, MBA

Director of Center for Sales Excellence Assistant Professor of Marketing
Marketing, Sales Center

Mike DiPietro is an Assistant Professor of Marketing in the School of Business at La Salle University in Philadelphia, PA.  His teaching is focused on Undergraduate Marketing Principles, Personal Selling, and Sustainability and Graduate Marketing Management and Sales Management. Mike’s corporate marketing experience in sales, marketing and management provides a practical and applications-oriented approach in the classroom.

Mike is involved in both the development and structure of La Salle’s Sales lab and the technology and curriculum.

Why La Salle?

As a La Salle graduate, I am committed to providing the same experience I had as a graduate student.  Instructors were current, knowledgeable, and available for consultation.  I try to provide the same consistency in class curriculum, class lectures, and projects.

Areas of Expertise

Providing relevance and practical business application to teaching Undergraduate Marketing Principles, Personal Selling, Sustainability Marketing and Graduate Marketing and Sales Management.


  • Undergraduate Marketing Principles
  • Personal Selling
  • Graduate Sales Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Sustainable Marketing


University of Pennsylvania
M.S., Organizational Dynamics

La Salle University
MBA, Finance & Marketing

Rutgers University
B.A., Economics and Political Science


Sales Educators Academy, Rollins College