Classes have been cancelled and offices are closed. Essential personnel should confirm their schedules with their supervisors.
Each year the Alumni Association’s Board of Directors awards the Brother Patrick Ellis Scholarship to La Salle students with financial needs. The Brother Patrick Ellis Scholarship has been given out annually since 1990 and is named after La Salle’s 26th President who served from 1977-1992. Consideration for this scholarship is given to all full-time undergraduate students in their sophomore, junior or senior year. Students must be actively involved and in good standing with at least two student activities or organizations. Students must also have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 and unmet financial needs as determined by the Office of Student Financial Services. The prospective candidate shall also complete the current Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form to determine the student’s financial need.
Funded by the Alumni Association, direct descendants (son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, great-grandson, or great-granddaughter) of La Salle alumni will receive a $1,000 per year scholarship.
La Salle University’s African American Alumni Association proudly presents student scholarships in memory of Warren E. Smith, M.D., ’54.
The Warren E. Smith, M.D., ’54, Scholarship supports full-time African American La Salle University students who demonstrate financial need, meet or exceed academic standards, make significant contributions to the community, and serve as outstanding examples to their peers. This endowed scholarship is a natural outgrowth of the African American Alumni Association Dinner and was made possible by the generosity of Dr. Smith’s family and former La Salle University Board of Trustee members Leon Ellerson, ’56, and Walter Lomax, M.D., ’53.
The Awards Committee is chaired by the Vice President and is made up of the following sub-committees:
Each sub-committee solicits and evaluates nominations for its respective award and is expected to evaluate the presentation, program, and promotion of corresponding events. Each sub-committee is empowered to act on behalf of the full board.
The John J. Finley, ‘24 Award is presented each year to alumni who have exhibited outstanding service to La Salle University or the Alumni Association. John J. Finley, ’24 held the position of President, Vice President and at the time of his death in 1961, Treasurer of the Alumni Association. To his contemporaries he was known as “Mr. La Salle” for his dedication to the University.
The Alumni Association strives to honor those who have made significant contributions of their expertise and time to advance the mission of the University. These awardees are known to be outstanding volunteers who have taken on leadership roles among fellow alumni volunteers. Past Finley winners have a long track record of service to academic departments, strategic initiatives, student development and of course, their fellow alumni.
Past Recipients:
1962 John J. Finley, ’24
1965 Rev. John A. Guischard, Ph.D., ’38
1965 Magnus J. Schaebler, ’22
1979 Daniel E. McGonigle, ’57
1980 John J. French, ’53
1983 John A. Clement Jr., Esq., ’39
1987 Terence K. Heaney, Esq., ’63
1987 John L. McCloskey, ’48
1988 James J. McDonald, ’58
1990 John J. Fallon, ’67
1992 Philip E. Hughes Jr., Esq., ’71
1994 Stephen L. McGonigle, ’72
1994 Marianne S. Gauss, ’75
1995 Robert S. Lyons Jr., ’61
1995 Maria Tucker, ’83
1997 Charles J. Reilly, ’62
1997 Thomas N. Pappas, ’70
1998 Henry G. DeVincent, M.D., ’56
1999 Leon E. Ellerson, ’56
1999 Joseph H. Cloran, ’61
2000 John F.Carabello, DMD, ’62
2000 Nicholas A. Giordano, ’65
2001 Thomas J. Lynch, ’62
2001 John J. Shea, ’59
2002 Nicholas J. Lisi, Esq., ’62
2002 John F. Reardon, ’59
2003 Elmer F. “Bud” Hansen Jr., ’58
2004 James J. Lynch, ’71
2004 Charles J. Quattrone, ’72
2005 Frank Stanton, ’51
2006 Carmen V. Romeo, ’65
2007 J. Hugh Devlin, ’64
2008 Albert A. Cantello, ’55
2009 John J. Rooney, Ph.D., ’46
2010 Peter J. Finley, Ed.D., ’53
2011 Jack Marczely, ’60
2013 Mike Diccicco, ’71
2014 William Markmann, M.D., ’70
2015 Gerry Binder, ’73
2016 Paul J. Burgoyne, Esq., ’70
2017 Susan F. Altamore Carusi, Esq. ’82
2018 William Matthews, Esq. ’90
2019 Joseph Batory, ’64
2019 Edward J. Fierko, ’63
2020 Stephen Zarrilli, ’83
2021 Diego Calderin, ’83
2022 Br. Gerard F. Molyneaux, ’58, M.A. ’59, FSC, Ph.D.
2023 Meg Kane, ’03
The Signum Fidei Medal, the Association’s highest form of recognition, has been given annually since 1942 to individuals or groups who have “made most noteworthy contributions to the advancement of humanitarian principles in keeping with the Christian-Judeo tradition” and “in harmony with the established aims of La Salle University and the objectives of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.” The Medal derives its name from the motto of the Christian Brothers – “Sign of Faith”.
Past Recipients:
1942 Brother E. Anselm, F.S.C.
1943 Karl H. Rogers
1944 Very Rev. Edward W. Stanford, O.S.A.
1945 Mrs. Edward V. Morrell
1946 Denis Cardinal Dougherty
1947 Max Johnson, M.D.
1948 John J. Sullivan
1949 Louis H. Clerf, M.D.
1950 Most Rev. Gerald P. O’Hara
1951 Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen
1952 John H. Harris
1953 Rev. James Keller, M.M.
1954 John M. Haffert
1955 Francis J. Braceland, M.D.
1956 Matthew H. McCloskey
1957 Henry Viscardi
1959 Joseph J. Toland Jr., M.D.
1960 Luke E. Hart
1961 Joseph E. McCafferty
1962 Martin H. Work
1963 R. Sargent Shriver
1964 Mother M. Benedict, C.M.M., M.D.
1965 Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy
1966 William B. Ball
1967 Frank M. Folsom
1968 Rev. Leon H. Sullivan
1969 Rev. William J. Finley
1970 James W. Turpin, M.D.
1971 Lisa A. Richette, Esq.
1972 Rev. Melvin Floyd
1973 Rev. Ellwood E. Kieser, ’50
1974 Msgr. Philip J.Dowling
1975 James C. Giuffre, M.D.
1976 Most Rev. Bernard J. Topel, D.D., Ph.D.
1977 Mildred F. Jefferson, M.D.
1978 Hon. Genevieve Blatt
1979 Rita Ungaro Schiavone
1980 Rev. Aloysius Schwartz
1981 Sister Mary Luke, O.P.
1982 William and Helen Sample
1983 Rev. Victor J. Eschbach
1984 Ronald A. Codario, M.D.
1985 Rev. James P. Daley
1986 Linda O’Donnell
1987 Sister Peter Claver, M.S.B.T.
1988 Rev. Bruce Ritter, O.F.M., Conv.
1989 Brother Patrick Ellis, F.S.C., Ph.D.
1990 Sister Mary Scullion, R.S.M.
1991 Mary Ehmann
1992 Brother Richard Duerr, F.S.C.
1993 Rev. Reggie White
1994 Rev. John J. Nevins, Ph.D.
1995 Molly Kelly
1996 James Murray
1997 Rev. David I. Hagan, O.S.F.S.
1998 Flyers’ Wives Fight for Lives
1999 Joseph F. Flubacher, AFSC, Ed.D., ’35
2000 Msgr. Michael Doyle
2001 The Brothers of the Christian Schools
2002 John and Kathy Polec
2003 Kenneth Gamble
2004 Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua
2005 Frank P. Cervone, Esq. M.A. ’04
2006 Msgr. Robert T. McDermott
2007 St. Vincent de Paul Parish Ministries
2008 Rev. John P. McNamee
2009 Jane Golden
2010 State Rep. Dennis M. O’Brien, ’82
2011 Marci B. Schankweiler, ’90
2012 Saint Gabriel’s System
2013 Catholic Relief Services
2014 H. Edward Hanway
2014 Fred’s Footsteps
2015 Steve Bandura
2016 Joseph Devine, FACHE, ’79
2017 Face to Face
2018 La Salle Academy
2019 Timothy Shriver, Ph.D. & Special Olympics
2020 Philabundance
2021 Catholic Social Services of Philadelphia
2022 Liguori Academy
2023 Savage Sisters Recovery
The Warren E. Smith, M.D., ’54, Award recognizes an outstanding African American leader in the community. The Association presents this award to someone who has achieved success in his or her profession, has demonstrated a commitment to traditional Lasallian values, has made significant contributions to the community, and has served as an outstanding example to all La Salle students.
Past Recipients:
1990 Ira S. Davis, ’58
1991 Leon Ellerson, ’56
1992 Walter P. Lomax Jr., M.D., ’53
1993 Dwight Evans, ’75
1994 Millicent Carvalho, Ph.D., ’78
1995 Gerald T. Davis, ’63
1996 Daniel J. Tann, Esq., ’82
1997 Michael A. Mosley, ’82
1998 Barbara Kelley-Sease, ’78
1999 RosaLee Smith
2000 Milton A. Washington, ’58
2001 Ken Durrett, ’71
2002 Sylvester M. Johnson
2003 Robert E. Wyatt Sr., ’78
2004 Sheila Dow-Ford, Esq., ’82
2005 Robert W. Bogle
2006 Sandra Dungee Glenn
2013 Richard Mshomba, Ph.D., ’85
2014 Susan L. Taylor
La Salle athletic heritage is one rich in tradition, full of achievement and bursting with pride. To recognize the individuals and teams that make up this proud heritage, the Alumni Association founded the Hall of Athletes.
Among these members are seven Olympians, one gold medalist, three national players of the year, two world record holders and two national championship teams – to mention just a few of the accomplishments of this special collection of La Salle alumni and friends.
The Alumni Association inducted its first class in 1961. The inaugural class included the names synonymous with La Salle athletics: Tom Gola, Al Cantello, Ira Davis, Joe Verdeur and Francis Loughney.
To nominate a former athlete or view a full listing of all the Hall of Athletes inductees.
Consistent with the University’s mission to create a diverse and inclusive learning community, the La Salle University Alumni Association established the Women in Leadership Award in 2020 to celebrate the significant milestone of 50 years since La Salle admitted the first full-time female undergraduate day students in the fall of 1970.
The La Salle Alumni Association’s Women in Leadership Award recognizes and honors outstanding women leaders from within the La Salle Community. Their work extends to various sectors of the economy and their achievements contribute greatly to local and university advancement while aligning with La Salle University’s mission.
These highly successful women are not only leaders but also advocates for the inclusion of women in leadership in business, government, education, religious life, family life and/or society. Their impact transcends socioeconomic status and their imprint is left on the hearts of those whom they lead.
The criteria for the selection of the La Salle Alumni Association’s Women in Leadership Award recipient include a woman leader (alumna, faculty or staff member – present or past, or La Salle Community leader) who:
Past Recipients:
2021 SallyAnne Harper, ’76
2022 Rosalind W. Sutch, CPA, MT ’02
2023 AmyLynn Flood, ’95
2024 Lisa Abdul-Haqq, DNP, M.A. ’09, MSN ’21, CRNP, FCPP
The Alpha Epsilon Alumni Honor Society was instituted in 1936 to recognize “high scholarship in the pursuit of a Lasallian education together with the exceptional participation in the extracurricular life of the University.” Since its founding, many of La Salle’s finest alumni such as Hank DeVincent and Tom Gola have been proud to be counted in the Alpha Epsilon ranks.
Alpha Epsilon recognizes graduating seniors that are in the top 20 percent of their class who have been involved in campus activities including community service organizations, varsity sports, student governance, Greek life, performing arts groups, Ambassadors, student media groups, academic clubs, and intramurals.