Classes have been cancelled and offices are closed. Essential personnel should confirm their schedules with their supervisors.
The following norms for use of campus facilities by student organizations have been established to be constant with A) the individual rights of assembly and free speech; B) the special necessity there is to preserve these rights and those of the serious and free academic search for truth; C) the rights and duties of the La Salle community to abide by the spirit of the Christian Catholic faith; D) the just requirements and expectations of the La Salle community that La Salle’s administration will do its reasonable best to preserve, maintain, and develop a milieu of discovery consonant with that spirit:
Whenever La Salle Union facilities are to be used for routine administrative, academic, or extracurricular purposes, a reservation form must be submitted to Administrative Services through mylasalle. All reservations and related requests (e.g., room set-up, special equipment, etc.) are tentative until confirmed in writing. This applies, as well, for reservation changes.Reservations will be accepted on a first need basis. The reservation staff reserves the right to assign space to be used for a meeting or function. When a request for a particular area is made, every effort will be made to honor the request.Those individuals or groups using facilities are expected to leave them in good order. Sponsoring groups are responsible for damages to facilities.University regulations preclude regular use of La Salle Union facilities for classes, course seminars, labs, and other strictly class related meetings. Reservations of this type normally must be for academic facilities.Annually funded and registered student organizations, and University offices and departments will not be charged for use of Union facilities; however, some personnel costs will be charged to the sponsoring groups. Personnel costs may include a maintenance supervisor, security staff, janitorial staff, matron, electrical staff, etc. Personnel charges, if any, will be specified when the facility is requested, and the sponsor will sign an agreement for any expenses before confirmation will be given.
Requests for routine use of all Union facilities should be made to Administrative Services through mylasalle Telephone reservations cannot be accepted nor will the reservation staff hold rooms pending the receipt of a written response.The program proposal reservation request will ask for the following information:
When policy questions are involved in decisions regarding facility use, the Director of Administrative Services will consult with the Dean of Students and/or Provost.
Programming Hours: Programs held in the La Salle Union may begin no earlier than 8:30 a.m. and a later starting time may be required depending on the set-up desired and events occurring in the same facility on the previous evening.All programs held in the La Salle Union normally end according to the following schedule. Requests for an extension of hours must be made to the Union Services Director. Decisions will be based on the nature of the event, the nature of other events occurring the same evening, and the timing of the academic calendar. Requests for extended hours must be placed at least two (2) weeks prior to the event.
Sunday afternoon: 4:00 p.m.
Monday through Thursday nights: 11:30 p.m.
Friday and Saturday nights: 2:00 a.m.
Groups will be billed after the event and future requests to use facilities will not be honored until the fee has been paid.
Special Set-Ups: If use of a Union facility involves a special set-up (one that differs from the normal configuration of the area), the Union Services Director must be given a detailed description of needs. Please arrange to discuss set-up needs no less than two (2) weeks prior to the date of the event.
Equipment Rental: If a program requires equipment or services (i.e., table and chair rental, piano moving and tuning) not available through the La Salle Union, users will be assessed the cost of the equipment and/or services. The Union Services Director will provide a breakdown of fees. Equipment and/or service needs must be submitted with the set-up information.
Service of Alcoholic Beverages: If an event will involve the service of alcoholic beverages, please refer to the “University Policy on Alcoholic Beverages” and to the “Guidelines for the Service of Alcohol at Student Organization Events.”
Conference Rooms: Rooms 301, 308, 310, and 312 are maintained as meeting rooms in a conference configuration. Organizations holding regular meetings during the flexband should contact the Registrar’s Office and will be assigned classroom space in either Olney or College Hall.
Ballroom: This is an adaptable facility which can comfortably accommodate 400 people. A small stage is located at the front of the room. The Ballroom is usually arranged in one of three ways:
The Ballroom is also equipped with an in-house sound system that will handle two (2) microphones. The sound system also contains an audio cassette player and CD player.
Music Room: The Music Room is located opposite the Ballroom on the second floor of the Union. This room is usually used as a small reception room or in conjunction with a program in the Ballroom. This room has Internet and Power Point access.
Dunleavy Assembly Room: The Dunleavy Assembly Room is a beautifully designed facility ideal for a reception or lecture for approximately 120 or dinner 110. This room has Internet and Power Point access.
Dan Rodden Theatre: The Dan Rodden Theatre seats 376. The stage area includes an orchestra pit equipped with a grand piano. The sound system can deploy four (4) microphones simultaneously. The theater also has VCR, DVD, CD, Cassette, and Computer capabilities.
Any special lighting or sound services must be addressed to Union Services when making the room reservation. Union Services in turn will obtain approval from the Masque/Technical Theatre Organization who provides lighting and sound needs in the Dan Rodden Theatre as possible. Union Services will let the group/individual know if the Masque/Technical Theatre Organization can accommodate their requests.
TV Room: First level of the Union. It seats 20 people, and it has a big screen TV. This room is not reserved for groups. Please check this location for hours of operation.
Game Room: Basement level of the Union. This room contains a pool table, chairs and tables for socializing and work. Within the Game Room are 80 lockers. They are rented out at $2.50 per semester including a $5 security deposit. $10 for a school year. Interested students should inquire at Administrative Services (Union 205). This room is not reservable for groups.
Study and Resource Center: Union 217. This room is available for student use and is equipped with study tables and other resources for quiet group meetings and individual studying.
To reserve equipment for use in conjunction with a program occurring in Union facilities, requests are made on the room reservation form. All requests should be made at the same time of reserving the facility since equipment is allocated to that organization/office making the initial request.Union staff does not transport equipment for use outside the Union Building. Groups must arrange for their own transportation including the return to the Union at the completion of the program. Groups failing to return Union equipment will be fined $20 per day until the equipment is returned and will lose privileges.
Use the Program proposal/reservation request form found online at mylasalle.
Lost and Found: The Administrative Services Office (Union 205) is the central location for items that are lost and found in the Union only.Building Hours:
Monday through Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.
Friday and Saturday: 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 a.m.
Sunday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.