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“Some critics will write ‘Maya Angelou is a natural writer’ – which is right after being a natural heart surgeon.”
~Maya Angelou
The above quote suggests that no one is born a writer, that writing can be taught and learned, and that the writing process is one of continuous learning. With this in mind, the Writing Tutors of La Salle seek to foster a knowledgeable community of writers, and in doing so we aim to provide all members of the university community with the opportunity to improve their writing and to develop as writers.
La Salle’s Writing Tutors offer free one-to-one tutoring to both undergraduate and graduate students which may cover topics including, but not limited to:
Though tutoring will address these specific issues—among others—ultimately Writing Tutors seek to help students come to understand themselves as writers. They create a space to write, think, talk, and learn about writing.
Formally trained Writing Tutors work with students one-to-one, and tutoring sessions typically run 30 minutes for short papers, 50 minutes for longer papers. Drop-in tutoring is available if a tutor is free.
Tutors offer assistance with all types of writing, both academic and non-academic, and work with students at any stage of the writing process. Tutorials are conversation-based. You can expect to read through your writing with an experienced and knowledgeable tutor, talk about what’s working well, and what could improve.
The Center for Academic Achievement supports the writing of graduate students seeking advanced degrees by employing accomplished undergraduate, graduate, and professional tutors. Tutors provide support for all types of writing in any and all disciplines. Students may make an appointment in Starfish via the mylasalle portal.
Students may also request administrative tutoring for larger writing projects including theses or dissertations. To do so, email and describe your writing project as well as the nature of your writing support needs.
Students can schedule a tutoring session by accessing Starfish, our online tutor scheduling system located in the mylasalle portal. Starfish is available 24/7 and can be used to schedule both subject and writing tutoring.
For more information, contact email