Classes have been cancelled and offices are closed. Essential personnel should confirm their schedules with their supervisors.
Effective August 1, 2011, monthly housing allowance will be paid based on the zip code of the school, the % of benefit eligibility, and the rate of pursuit percentage (rounded to the nearest multiple of 10) of the student. To calculate monthly housing: “BAH” multiplied times “% of eligibility”, multiplied times “rate of pursuit” (fulltime, halftime, etc)
The BAH for the school’s zip code is $1250.00 (Find your BAH here) The student is at 60% tier level (percentage of VA benefit) The students rate of pursuit is 75% (undergrad, 9 credits, 3/4 time) 75% is rounded up to 80% 1250.00 * 60% = 750.00*80% = 600.00 per month. Note: Students must attend at a greater than 50% rate of pursuit to receive any monthly housing allowance. Undergraduate students must be registered for a minimum of 7 credits hours each semester. Graduate students must be registered for a minimum of 4 credit hours each semester. Active duty personnel (including those on terminal leave) and their spouses utilizing transferred entitlement are not eligible for the housing allowance. Once separated, either becomes eligible.
Effective October 1, 2011, individuals (other than those on active duty) enrolled solely in distance learning courses (courses taught on-line or in combination with classroom) will be eligible for a Monthly Housing Allowance equal to 50% of the national average of all Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) for an E-5 with dependents. Rates will be multiplied by the rate of pursuit rounded to the nearest multiple of 10.
Students must attend at a greater than 50% rate of pursuit to receive any monthly housing allowance. Undergraduate students must be registered for a minimum of 7 credits hours each semester. Graduate students must be registered for a minimum of 4 credit hours each semester. Beginning August 1, 2011, break (or interval pay) will no longer be payable under Post-9/11 GI Bill® except during periods your school is closed as a result of an Executive Order of the President or an emergency (such as a natural disaster or strike). For example, if your Fall term ends on December 15th and your Spring term begins January 10th, your January housing allowance will cover 15 days in December and your February housing allowance will cover 21 days in January.
The books and supplies stipend will be paid proportionally each semester, up to $1000.00 per school year, based on enrollment. Payment will be made to the individual during each term he or she is enrolled, after the school certifies and VA processes the enrollment. This benefit is prorated based on length of service.
Effective 8/1/2011, Active Duty students, and the dependents to whom they transfer their benefits, will be eligible to receive the book and supplies stipend. The rules for calculating the Book stipend payments are the same as those for veterans.